Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lukewarm and Lovin' It

I listened to a sermon yesterday entitled Lukewarm and Lovin' It by Francis Chan. I had heard about Francis through various people. Everyone who mentions him has nothing but good things to say. Saturday, a friend told me to specifically check this sermon out. So I did, and I'm glad I did.

It's a message given back in October of 2006. He gives some basic global wealth statistics and ends up using Luke 18 and Revelation 3 as his main texts. His main points that stuck with me were:

1) I'm filthy rich
2) I find way too much security in my possessions
3) I am in serious danger of being lukewarm and not caring

Do yourself a favor. Download the Cornerstone Church podcast (Francis's church) and get this message from 10/1/06. Be careful though, it's a dangerous message. It just might cause you to rearrange your entire life.


  1. Very True! The rearranging that is...

  2. Finally! Might I suggest reading Crazy Love?

  3. My d-group is reading his book "Crazy Love" and just read the Lukewarm Chapter this week. We had a swift kick in the rear.
