Tuesday, July 07, 2009

10 interesting facts about Twitter

This article cited ten interesting facts about Twitter, reported by a social media analytics provider named Sysomos. Here are the abbreviated points:

1. 21% (One Fifth) of Twitter accounts are empty placeholders.
2. Nearly 94% of all Twitter accounts have less than 100 followers.
3. March and April of 2009 were the tipping point for Twitter.
4. 150 followers is the magic number.
5. A small minority creates most of the activity.
6. Half of all Twitter users are not "active."
7. Tuesday is the most active Twitter day.
8. APIs have been the key to Twitter's growth & utility.
9. English still dominates Twitter.
10. Twitter is being led by the social media geeks.

(HT:What's Best Next)


  1. Hmm, I guess people don't have anything better to do on Tuesdays, ha ha.

  2. Wow.
    Cool information..
    Its true that most of
    them are inactive.
    Work from home
